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Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 37 - Sept. 21

Supper was amazing last night.  The other 3 all had steak and I had the Shrimp, Crab and Broccoli Tortellini Alfredo.  It was delicious and went well with the Sunset Margherita in a mason jar.  It was wonderful until 3 hours later when I started to get sick.  Not convinced it wasn't food poisoning, but it was probably me reacting to the cream sauce.  That, along with the constant bouncing from the cross wind and currents.  So I spent a lovely night in the head, and today spent part time on the helm and part time flacked out on the cockpit bench.  (And for those of you thinking wasn't a hangover.)  Overall, not a very productive day.  We did, however, make it to Cape May and seem to be in a very nice anchorage.  Funny thing about that though,  we've called around to the marinas and none of them will let us use their showers or laundry, because we're at anchor, even though we would pay for them.  And to top that, most of them are too shallow to even get our boats into.  Don't they realize that if we use their facilities we would probably also patronize their restaurants and marine stores.  Oh well,  we got our shower fixed on board, so guess we'll stay home tonight and use the laundromat in town tomorrow.
Temperature in high 70's today and for the first time we are dealing with no see'ems.  I'll have to look into finding bug screen to put around the cockpit.
Today:  38 nm in overcast skies and soft 3'-4' rolls most of the day.

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